FOR THE SAKE OF EVERYTHING HOLY, what did they do with the SEASON FINALE. I would be crying right now if I wasn’t this MAD. This is an official KATY HATE THREAD. If you have ANYTHING remotely GOOD to say about her go somewhere ELSE.
I’ve started s1 and I immediately fell in love with her, she’s such a lovable character! With flaws, with depth, with some nice moments. Like, the way they portrayed her relationship with family and especially her dad, it’s just — chef’s kiss. And her first rift arc. We rarely get any meaningful series, focused not on the fun parts of the Abstract, but on the cold reality of it all. Her feelings of being robbed of normal childhood, or, I don’t know, adolescence, it was so real.
Now I must warn you that I’ll spoil the heck out of s3 right now, so go watch the finale if you haven’t yet, but I bet if you clicked on this thread, YOU KNOW WHAT ALREADY HAPPENED AND I’M JUST
First, JEAN DESERVES BETTER. She did nothing wrong. She wanted to protect everybody once they discovered that newly opened rift. And when Katy goes and just, just, screws everyone up!!! ALL OF SUDDEN SHE’S PRO-RIFTS? She wants to keep it a secret so… so Cody can have his moment? GIRL YOU’RE BETTER THAN THIS, and we ALREADY HAVE KRIS FOR THIS SHIT
OH MY FREAKING GOD and the stealing AND the lies and the whole ordeal!!!!! I’m seething. I’m crying!!! I’m ready to howl at the moon!!!!